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Friday, February 20, 2009

New Business Ventures Community

We're excited! Today BBA took a significant step forward when our Board of Directors approved the development of a new Business Ventures Community as an extension of our Business Services division. What is a Business Ventures Community, you ask?

The concept is really quite simply this: We'll provide the assets and services a small business start-up needs to be successful in the early days. Access to office space, phone lines, IT, marketing, accounting, finance, legal services, human resources; all the resources available to every well-established company will now be accessable by each and every humble start-up, the very companies that can use these services the most.

The issue in the past is that most small companies could barely afford to pay for office space and phone lines, let alone access to quality marketing, accounting, financial, legal and human resources experts. Well the past is behind us and the future is here: every company can now have access to all of these services for NO UP-FRONT COSTS!

How do we do it? It's just a franchise model. We'll provide these services for a share of your future revenues, usually around 10%, but depending of course on the type and scope of your business. The percentage fees for high-revenue/low-margin companies will naturally be lower than those for low-revenue/high-margin companies, but you get the gist.

The beauty of this model (besides the awesome no up-front cost part) is that the companies who partner with us will be able to focus on the reason they went into business in the first place: doing what they do best and working hard at making money. Most companies are not in the business of doing business; we ARE! Our business is growing your business.

This is only a sneak-peak of what we're going to be rolling out, so we obviously haven't included al lthe details here. However, if you're as excited about this concept as we are, give us a call or shoot us an email; we'd love to have the opportunity to chew on anyone's ear about this some more!

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